As the clock strikes one second at a time I can feel my body shivering,
Spinal fluid draining from the core and other fluids well,
Spilling off to the floor as it leaks past the cage I have been surrendered to,
If I had the words to describe this feeling it would be,
Melolagnia unfolded on the verge of a psychotic break through,
I have been blindfolded and taken from my free will,
Who would have thought my normal coffee run routine would get me taken advantage of by a complete stranger,
This place feels cold, wet and dark,
I can’t hear anything because headphones have been placed on my head and have been silenced for some time now,
My hands haven’t been bonded so I am able to feel around every crack of these bonded metals,
Normally this would have freaked me out because of my recent experience with claustrophobia,
But surprisingly nothing has triggered me yet,
My mouth hasn’t been taped shut so why haven’t I cried for help,
I can smell a woman’s perfume in the distance,
If this woman’s still present why not start a conversation and see where things go,
I yell, Hello!
No one answers,
My body begins to twitch,
My neck turns from left to right,
My palms begin to sweat,
I can now feel the claustrophobic energy seeping through the cracks, And In that very moment my headphones turn on,
Marcy Playground ‘Sex and Candy’,
My shoulders immediately relax and the bumps on my arms begin to chill,
I couldn’t quite figure out what was happening to me,
I felt this weird transformation of sexual energy erupting from my body,
I couldn’t help but think who was this person and why are they taunting my fear and hormones at the same time,
Once I was wet enough to fill another puddle at the bottom of the cage the music stopped,
I yell out, Hello!
What is it you want from me!? Please open the cage,
No response,
My breathing picks up and my forehead begins to prickle,
I press my hard nipples against the metal to try and push myself around this contraption,
Here comes those body twitching impulses,
I yell out, Please!
Another song comes on and is now channeling a hormonal hypnosis,
This time around singing bowls,
I could feel the vibration from the headphones to the tips of my toes,
Almost forcing me to put my hands on my vagina and moaning deeply,
This music was sending me to a comfortable yet uncomfortable place in my mind and body,
Oddly a cloud of smoke pushes past my senses,
The woman who is watching is now smoking Marable lights,
I thought I recognize those two smells together,
Only one person comes to mind when I combine those smells together,
Her name was Lea,
Lea and I share the same shrink,
We both share a sitting area sometimes very quiet and awkward other times we talk about what got us there,
There was an instance where kinks came up in conversation,
She would tell me about her subs and how she Dominates for free because she looks at dominance as medicine for the sick,
How it was her duty to provide community service she calls it,
I yell out, Lea!? Is that you?
She chuckles,
I can hear her heels touch the ground and is now walking towards me,
She gets really close to the cage and whispers in my ear,
Natalie your sick…..
