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Learn more about Elf's on Wheels
Elf’s on Wheels Non-Profit Organization Association
Executive Summary: My mission is to help feed as many homeless or less fortunate people across the Philadelphia region. Utilizing the community refrigerators as one source to get to the people in the surrounding community. My love for people is my main reason for wanting to offer my services. Giving back to people who don’t have many options as far as food desserts, low income, and jobless altogether. The unemployment rate rose 5.1% in 2024 that’s almost 39,122 people without income. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer homelessness went up by 10% in the last year that’s estimating 5,600 people. Hunger should be the last thing a child, a mother or father should have to worry about when your conducting day to day life. I also provide essentials when we get enough donations. This includes soap, wash cloths, pads, sanitary wipes, deodorant, socks and more.
Products, Servies and Programs: I offer a service that sticks to one of the main issues in America which caters to world hunger, but community based.
Community Impact: Offering food to my surrounding communities will hopefully set some families at ease. One meal a day can go along way if you haven’t eaten in days. The homemade stews I create in the winter are made with fresh farm raised products. The sandwiches I make in the spring/summer are very light, healthy and most people’s childhood favorite.
Market Analysis: A gap I notice happening between farmers, markets and food banks is that a lot of people either can’t make it to these locations whether they are disabled, low income, or afraid to be seen. Community refrigerators are more local, easy to gain access, neighbor based, clean, and discreet. Based on private analysis some main corporations are not as welcoming, make some people feel less than, and even setting limits, which can be hurtful for some parents or guardians who have household of three children or more.
Organizational Structure and Staffing: Elf’s on Wheels is a volunteer based gathering I’d like to call it. Donating your time is a huge part of the process. For instance, there’s market runs, scheduled farmers market runs, scheduled pickups, meal prepping, packaging and drops offs and or disbursement. We are also looking for weekly email ads personnel, vetting volunteers, essentials pickups (includes containers, lids, gloves, aprons, hair nets, ect), campaigning, and more.
Marketing Plan: My new plan is to get local markets, local farmers, corporate sponsorships, upper class investors, and political parties involved for future EOW cycles to be able to provide more often.