Opening my tastebuds to a plate of steel metal was not how I imagined my evening,
My eyes squinting in fear yet curiosity,
Sweat peeling off the sides of my sideburns to the base of my neck,
My spine had a slight tingle that would come and go every few seconds,
Matt stood on the other side of the barrel with his hands shaking,
Tears hitting the floor one at a time,
Feet spread apart in a defensive stance,
I could tell this was not how his night was supposed to go either,
Yet here we are, An extreme heath of power exchange during a really bad misunderstanding,
Let's rewind back a little,
We met earlier today at coffee house confessions for the first time,
My favorite coffee shop in the city,
I was just coming from an early morning water sporting session with a lawyer down on front street,
Wearing my knee-high white latex boots and a matching suitcase that held everything I needed for this session,
A long tan trench coat and some tinted black sunglasses,
Definitely not in the mood for small talk,
I just wanted to complete my early morning routine without anyone getting on the way,
Matt was the first person to stop me in my tracks in a couple of weeks,
Most of the time I felt invisible to the morning rush folk,
Everyone moving fast with their eyes gearing at their phones,
Heads down with no direct eye contact... ever,
I was living in a world almost like the matrix,
Everyone being controlled by their mobile devises,
Avoiding human contact at all costs,
Matt is a cute ginger, huge smile with pearly white teeth,
He dressed like a mid 80's lumber jack,
An innocent smile that I would soon find out was an invitation to my death,
He met me in line right before I could order my drink,
Matt asked if he could purchase my coffee,
With a slight grin I stated, sure
His only request was to find out what I had in the briefcase,
With that in mind it made me a bit nervous being as though I came from a kink session that wasn't something you'd see everyday,
But I wasn't about to turn down a free cup of coffee,
I told him he could see what was in the briefcase if he'd meet me at a secluded destination,
With his cheeks turned blushing red he nodded,
We small talked for a few minutes and I explained my line of work,
Full-time Dominatrix with a soft spot for dominating men in power,
I drew out a map on a napkin with an 'X' for the end location,
'Meet me here in two hours',
It was a public library that had a sound room in the basement,
I had a deal with the owner who used it be one of my clients until he got married,
Most of the time used for kinky sessions,
In between time I went home, changed my outfit and grabbed a slightly vanilla briefcase,
This one in particular pertained floggers, paddles, handcuffs, blindfolds, ect.
I arrived a few minutes late on purpose to see if this guy was bluffing,
Once I arrived there was Jonica sitting at the front,
She was the owners muse,
Jonica ran the library on his days off,
We had a secret head nod to confirm that 'X' had arrived,
I walked down a long hallway that led to the basement door,
Heels clicking one in front of the other,
I wasn't sure what to expect,
As I cracked opened the door there was Matt,
Standing in the dim light with his hands in his pockets,
I walked over to a table that was placed in the center of the room and put my briefcase down and unhooked the locks,
I took a few steps back and looked at him,
"Well, go ahead"
Matt walked up the table and pulled out the blindfold,
He ordered me to put it on,
I laughed and stated, "This is not how this works, I am in charge"
Matt shoved the case onto the floor spreading everything inside across the room,
"I said put this on!"
I got down on my knees in a submissive posture,
"Are you sure this is what you want to do, I asked"
I reached behind me and pulled out my gun and held it up to his genitals,
"Listen asshole go now or pick your kids up off the floor!"
I must have passed out from anxiety because after I woke up he was standing over me with the gun placed inside of my mouth,
I can tell he's never killed anyone before by the way he was trembling,
What he didn't know was that guns had a strange way of turning me on,
My nipples grew hard and my panties were soak and wet,
Right before I could feel my body about to cum,
One shot went off, and all I could think was damn... I wish he had been bluffing.